You will find a catalog of 55 works (for now) of the 500 to 600 works of Roger B. J. Baron if you follow this link.
You can also watch this interview of Roger B. Baron in his workshop, speaking of animal sculpture just before an exhibition in Nevers in 1988 ( video for DSL or modem).
Aside from this, here is an abstract of the highlights of the artist's carreer :
Roger B. Baron was born in Paris. Nevertheless, it's in the countryside, near Nevers, that he will spend his childhood and the years of the first world war.
He had a close and sensitive look at nature, from his youngest age, hence his double vocation : art and zoology. Through drawing, he learns how to faithfully render nature around him... and this is what will lead him, later, to become a specialist in animal art.
But drawing is not enough to fullfill his curiosity towards nature. As soon as he is thirteen, as the oldest of four brothers, he has to start working... and with the very few ressources he has left, he decides to buy the books of Henri Fabre, a famous entomologist. He will spend his nights reading these books, extracting knowledge from each single page he reads.
He will always live his two passions at the same time, art and zoology. In Paris, the 'Jardin des Plantes', the Museum of Natural History, the School of Applicated Arts will be some of his favorite places. He will enter the workshop of Maxime Réal del Sarte, where he will soon acquire enough practice to entitle himself sculptor.
He will be a war prisonner during world war II, and then a resistant; and it's in the beginning of the 40s that he will settle in Ordener street in Paris, at Montmarte-aux-Artistes.
As he keeps enhancing his knowledge through drawing and through the books, about his passion for animal anatomy - and eventually human anatomy -, he starts thinking at passing certificates that would enable him to teach.
It's a success, and he becomes drawing teacher, then animal and human anatomy teatcher for the 'normal' courses of the City of Paris - which means teaching for future teachers of the city and of the state.
Aside from his animal art, these are the times during which he accomplishes busts and monuments : monument to Jean Moulin, to Jean Mermoz (in Dakar as well as in Santiago of Chile), to Alexander Fleming (London), etc., during which he creates personalized swords for academicians (swords for Etienne Wolff, for Jean Rostand, ...) , during which he is the president of the 'sculpture' section of the 'Salon National des Artistes Français', and then the founder of the National Exhibition of Animal Art (Salon National des Artistes Animaliers)...
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